COE Collaborative Learning Opportunities
Data Resources
- South Carolina Opioid and Infectious-Disease Related Hospitalization data: This South Carolina dashboard, developed and maintained by Lior Rennert, PhD, at the Clemson University Center for Public Health Modeling and Response, displays predicted hospitalization data by ZIP code. This includes opioid-related hospitalizations as well as those related to Hepatitis C and HIV, and socioeconomic indicators as well as healthcare facility locations are displayed as factors for each ZIP code.
- Issue brief on using treatment data: Background from Pew Trusts on the Opioid Cascade of Care, a set of four metric domains used to understand treatment system performance. The Center is leveraging this tool in our data analytics work.
- Data & Strategy resource list: This detailed list includes over 50 links to both data sources and information on specific strategies to support opioid and addiction planning and implementation.
- South Carolina County Profiles of Alcohol and Other Drug Use: DAODAS produced this 2023 report as a tool for county planners to illustrate the patterns and impacts of substance use at a county level.
Maternal health and treatment
- Maternal health and treatment and provider support: Information on the Improving Access to Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Care Through Telemedicine and Tele-Mentoring (Mom's IMPACTT) project administered by MUSC, including connections to coordinators to provide on-demand mental health treatment and resources for pregnant and postpartum people and real-time psychiatric consultations for providers.
- Perinatal screening and referral to treatment: Outcome study, Text and Telephone Screening and Referral Improved Detection and Treatment of Maternal Mental Health Conditions, on the Listening to Women and Pregnant and Postpartum People program, which showed that participants in this text and phone-based approach are 3.1 times more likely to screen positive, 4.4 times more likely to be referred to treatment, and 5.7 times more likely to attend treatment compared with those assigned to usual office-based in-person screening and referral.
- Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs (2024)
Treatment within the criminal-legal system
- Treatment across the criminal justice system: This report from the National Academy for State Health Policy, State Strategies to Support OUD Treatment across the Criminal Legal System, outlines opportunities to provide treatment interventions across the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM). The SIM provides a framework from community services and prevention all the way across the continuum to community corrections.
Harm Reduction
- The South Carolina Institute of Medicine and Public Health published this report and one-pager, Addressing the Opioid Epidemic and Preventing the Spread of Infectious Disease Through the Provision of Syringe Services Programs, providing background, information, and data on harm reduction services.
Research from Center of Excellence leaders and team members
- Trends in Self-Reported Fentanyl and Other Illicit Substance Use in South Carolina Emergency Department Patients, 2020-2022
- Citation: Lane SM, Jennings LK, Gainey SS, Barth KS, Haynes L, Moreland A, Hartwell K, Brady KT. Trends in Self-Reported Fentanyl and Other Illicit Substance Use in South Carolina Emergency Department Patients, 2020-2022. J Emerg Med. 2023 Dec;65(6):e534-e541. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2023.08.005. Epub 2023 Aug 16. PMID: 37872038.
- Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Among People Who Inject Drugs: Long-Term Follow-Up of the HERO Study
- Citation: Litwin AH, Tsui JI, Heo M, et al. Hepatitis C Virus Reinfection Among People Who Inject Drugs: Long-Term Follow-Up of the HERO Study. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(8):e2430024. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.30024